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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
In most of the countries we surveyed, there is broad support for changing the economic system. In fact, in all but three countries, majorities say their country’s economic system needs major changes or complete reform.
Across all 36 countries, a median of 20% of adults say their economic system needs to be completely reformed, while a median of 52% calls for major changes. A much smaller median share says their economic system needs less change (16%) or no change (3%).
Significant shares in some middle-income countries support complete economic reform. Majorities in Nigeria and Tunisia say it is necessary, and about four in ten or more agree in Ghana, India, Malaysia, South Africa and Turkey.
Only in the Netherlands, Singapore and Sweden – all high-income countries – do fewer than half of adults want significant economic change.
A majority of respondents in most North American and European countries say their system needs at least major changes, including three-quarters or more in France, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Spain. And in both regions, no more than about a quarter of adults think their economic system needs complete reform in any country surveyed.
In almost all countries surveyed, adults who see economic inequality as a major problem are significantly more likely than others to favor significant changes to the economic system.
For example, Swedish adults who think inequality is a big problem are twice as likely as those who think it is a moderately big problem, a small problem, or not a problem at all, to say that Sweden’s economic system needs major changes or complete reform.
And in 31 of the 36 countries surveyed, people who say the current economic situation in their country is bad are more likely to make more substantial changes than those who say it is good.
In 10 countries, younger adults are more likely than older adults to experience significant economic change. This includes the US, where 77% of adults under 35 want major changes or complete reform of the economic system, compared to 58% of people aged 50 and older.
In seven countries, a higher proportion of women than men say their economic system needs at least major changes. In France, for example, 81% of women support major economic changes or full reform, compared to 72% of men.
Opinions on economic reforms have changed since we last asked this question in several places.
In 10 countries this year, a significantly higher proportion of adults support major economic changes or complete reforms than in the past. In fact, that share has doubled in Australia since 2021 – from 32% then to 64% today. Support for major economic changes has also increased in several European countries compared to three years ago.
Smaller stocks say their economic systems need major changes or full reform now than in the past in Argentina (-5 points from 2023), South Korea (-6 from 2021), Spain (-8 from 2021) and Singapore (-13 from 2021).
Trend data for this question are not available in Bangladesh, Chile, Colombia, Ghana, Malaysia, Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, or Turkey.