Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
More than three years ago, the higher editor Alyssa Boyle began on Adexchanger, advertisers complained about the lack of transparency in buying CTV advertising.
And they still complain about it because the situation remains almost the same.
Over the past few months More buyers entrusted their frustration on Alyssa. For example, brands want to buy ads in what they consider to be a first -class location, but some programmers are supposed to sell “mysterious ID Deal ID” that a volume of investment and confused where advertising is running.
With our special guest, Chris Kane, CEO and founder of Junce Media, we are discussing why this is happening and what can be done to repair the stalemate transparency of the CTV.
One event that the buyer can do is vote with the wallet, but the catch is that he has to do it and not just talk about it.
“Transparency is for the buyer headaches … but is it enough headaches that buyers will move their money?” Kane asks. “If so, then the industry changes;” If this is not the case, then the industry remains the same. ”
In the second half of the episode we set out deep into the weeds to unravel what has become a wonderfully confusing problem for program buyers: Chronic Incorrect Video Marking.
It has been two years since the IAB Tech Lab laboratory has again defined what should be counted as an instruction video inventory, how VA reflects New video location field in OpenRTB specification. This replaces the older and now summarized video location field.
But not everyone uses a new specification. For example, SSP Google is going through an old signal and new when it is available, which is unclear on which the DV360 signal will create its decision on offers.
It is not particularly difficult for DSP to migrate into a new signal, but also “is not apparently a good short -term choice,” Kane says, because when they do it, they will have to pay higher prices for video classified as classified as classified as classified as Classified as an instrument.
“In this very short term, everything you do is to interfere with the delivery of campaigns, which is the worst thing you could do as a DSP,” he says. “The market forces will not solve it – in a strange way, DSPs are a little rewarded for pulling their legs during this migration.”