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LinkedIn Highlights its Advancing Ad Targeting Tools in New Campaign - adtechsolutions

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LinkedIn Highlights its Advancing Ad Targeting Tools in New Campaign

LinkedIn launched a new promotional campaign which aims to highlight the effectiveness of its ad targeting options, including advanced AI audience reach tools, showing how not to target ads.

The video element of the campaign, for example, will highlight scenarios where products are being marketed to the completely wrong audience.

According to LinkedIn:

We’ve all been on the receiving end of ad targeting so bad we’ve wondered who exactly they meant. As clients, these targeting failures are just a passing annoyance. But for companies serving ads to the wrong audience? These missteps cost the B2B sector millions of dollars a year in wasted ad spend.”

With this in mind, the campaign aims to highlight how LinkedIn can help you connect with the right audience and avoid similar waste.

LinkedIn Ads has audience targeting capabilities like no other marketing platform. We open the door to more than 1 billion users – real human beings who share their business and personal lives. This means that only on LinkedIn Ads can you reliably target and filter audiences based on industry, company, role and more.”

It is interesting to note here that LinkedIn refers to its one billion members as “users”. LinkedIn definitely it doesn’t have a billion active users (estimates suggest LinkedIn has more than 400 million monthly actives), but it often links its total logins to usage.

They are not the same things. A pedantic note, perhaps, but relevant when discussing its marketing reach.

LinkedIn says the new campaign will run across digital channels and will also include photography materials.

LinkedIn ad campaign 2025

It’s a good focus for the company, highlighting the unique potential of its advertising tools to reach the right audience.

However, whether this is true for your brand will depend on how you target your ads.

You can read more about LinkedIn’s ad targeting options here.

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