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Matt Mullenweg diminished his dispute with the WP engine, saying that it was not as big an agreement as people do and shared that he believes everything will be over in a few months.
The host of Podcasta expressed a surprise that Matt was going for a WP engine sharply, expressing that he never realized that Matt was as a kind of person who would go after someone else, that he didn’t seem to suit his idea of a person Matt Mullenweg was in his head . Matt replied that he thought it was kind of funny because he was actually that guy.
Podcast manager commented:
“I read a lot about Matt’s work. I don’t know Matt and I listened to him, he doesn’t seem to be someone who would ever like to offend someone, and I was actually surprised to go hard as you were. And I guess it’s your perspective , they come after all I did or not contribute, whatever.
Matt smiled as he explained that he felt obliged to advocate WordPress, like someone who was standing on the playground abuser.
“… So, like a abuser in the school yard, you have somehow you have to advocate for yourself. So it’s kind of funny because you say you don’t think I do it, but in fact, if you look at history of WordPress, there may be four or four or history Five times in which I had such an arch of the villain … Like us, I had a struggle to protect our principles and sustainability and future of WordPress. “
Matt compared the current dispute to the WP engine with previous controversies as a way to notice that they were forgotten and one day the WP engine conflict will also be forgotten.
Mullenweg continued:
“You know, some of these previous controversies that have gained the main media coverage, you know CNN, I had this hot Nacho scandal in the first few years WordPress or the thesis of the fight or the Easter massacre of topics, as well as all these things that I am mentioning that I You probably didn’t hear.
It used to be as half of my Wikipedia page, now it’s not. Today if you go to my Wikipedia page, their PR company has a whole passage about it.
I think in 5 years it may be a sentence or not at all there. “
Matt tried to portray the WP engine as a not -so -large company and in the end people deal with a bigger arrangement of a dispute than it really is.
He said:
“They are also a web host that people think is the biggest, but you actually know probably the sixth or seventh biggest WordPress web host. It is much bigger and they are a single digit percentage of all WordPress in the world. They probably have 700,000 800,000 or something.
People did it in a greater agreement than it really is. “
Finally, Mullenweg expressed his opinion that his duty was to get up and fight and that he expected that the display WP engine would be behind him within a few months, even though he admitted that there were many angry people.
Characterization that the dispute will be completed within a few months is stunning because it seems that something is happening behind the scenes or that it will simply overcome and go on a journey. Mullenweg did not explain what he meant by that comment, and the hosts of Podcast did not ask him to elaborate.
Mullenweg said,
“So this is not my first born. Sometimes you have to fight to protect the ideals of the open code and the community and your trademark.
By the way, I expect it to be resolved in the next few months. Although it’s easy to find like, if you go to Reddit or Twitter, I get a lot of hatred. “
At this point, Matt explained the conflict from his point of view, painting as a victim who was forced to go on an attack, telling a series of events that mostly not as most people experienced him. He painted the side of the WP engine as an aggressor and characterized the public reproach that gave WP Engine in Wordcamp as a “presentation”.
Mullenweg explained:
“Some people are embarrassed with you know that we have to fight to protect ourselves. You know that the WP engine has taken some, very aggressive legal procedure. Therefore it turns out when we thought we were somehow good faith that they were preparing a legal case to attack us because You know for 3 days after I held this presentation, they launched this huge Quinn Emanuel lawsuit, it’s like the biggest of the most amazing law firm. “
One of the hosts of Podcast was sought by WordPress community on Reddit and Twitter for questions that Matt Mullenweg could ask. The community answered many questions, but the hosts were mostly refrained from asking these users who sent questions, which honestly were quite strenuous and inherently assumed things about Mullenweg.
Check out the interview for Podcast:
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