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Meta’s Experimenting With ‘Avatar Quests’ as It Builds Towards the Metaverse - adtechsolutions

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Meta’s Experimenting With ‘Avatar Quests’ as It Builds Towards the Metaverse

While Meta is working on creating an avatar a a central element of his next-level experiencesit will also need to attract users, providing more ways for people to use their avatars in different applications.

Where this could be aimed:

Meta mission avatar

As you can see in this examplepublished by application researcher Radu OncescMeta is working on “Avatar Quests,” which would seemingly allow users to engage in interactive games or explore the world through their digital representations.

Which also sounds similar to his larger vision of the metaverse, his long-term, next-level social media experience that he’s still developing in the background.

The meta probably went a bit overboard in their metaverse push back in 2021when he renamed the company in line with this vision, and promised new worlds and experiences based on avatar interaction.

That could happen, but even then, Meta indicated that such development would take at least a decade. Which meant his metaversal shift was largely criticized and convictedas Meta’s current VR experiences have failed to live up to its futuristic vision.

Meta has since shifted its focus to more modern AI and built its own AI-based offering, which will also eventually be incorporated into its broader vision. So it’s all one and the same in Meta’s view, even though he no longer promotes the metaverse in such grandiose terms.

But the key element, again, will be avatar interaction and enabling people to engage with its evolving spaces through their digital characters. Why is Meta evolving? better, more customizable avatarsand adding new ways to use them games and other experiences.

And soon, this could expand to even more offerings, such as Avatar Quests, as Meta looks to put the building blocks in place to guide users towards their more comprehensive metaverse experiences.

The more it can match people with their digital representations, the easier it will be, which is why you’re seeing more and more avatar options in its apps. The approach aims to build on the way young people engage with the gaming world, with players now well-versed in creating the 3D characters they use to interact in these apps.

Soon the same process will be the way you communicate in the metaverse.

But to get people there, Meta will need to seed more and more avatar experiences, so that more and more people feel comfortable using their created characters.

Which, I suspect, will be where options like this come in, and you can expect to see a lot more avatar experiences rolled out on Facebook and IG in the coming years.

We’ve asked Meta for more information on “Avatar Quests” and will update this post if/when we hear back.

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