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Nielsen’s Long-Awaited Measurement Offering Is Ready For The Upfronts

This week, buyers have experienced ads on TV as they are waiting for a long time.

Nielsen told AD to the buyer that he plans to reduce the evaluation only on the panel at the end of this year. The Legacy Panel data will only be available in combination with larger data sets as part of the new measurement offer that has received the accreditation of the media rating council last week.

Large data + panelAs the offer is offered, the currency that Nielsen supports for upcoming upfrons.

Nielsen’s decision signals an infection point in media measurement that publishers and buyers waited. And it was a long waiting as they noted several leading advertisements in different LinkedIn discussion and the debate and merchants saying talking The Wall Street Journal.

“The end of the ability to buy a panel independent of other data signals is the end of the era, although this era ends half a decade later than needed,” said Jay Friedman, CEO of the Goodway Group.

Meanwhile, programmers and advertisers are busy testing alternative currencies and new sources of retail data to bring the accuracy of their campaign measurements.

Competition alt currency

Alt currency (Comscore, iSpot and videoamp) In the last few years, they have gradually gained market share.

About 60% of traders Used the alternative Nielsen Last year – although many did it In tandem with Nielsen for testing purposes. Of these advertisers, 36% found that the ALT currency was more effective than Nielsen according to the perception of the advertiser.

Publishers are no longer 100%on Nielsen. Just this week, Televisaunivision and Nielsen I got into the gap Despite the only household that has access to channels from the competitor’s competitor, Telemundo, but not Televisaunivision. He claims that this mismatch negatively affects his evaluation from Nielsen to the initial season.

And so some publishers are starting to rely more on Nielsen alternatives. When The paramount contract with Nielsen has fallen In the autumn, the transmitter became a video launch bet and became the only main television programmer that does not rely on Nielsen in some way. In a note on clients, Paramount pointed to Nielsen’s unsustainably high costs as a primary reason for non -renewing the contract.



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It is also too expensive for buyers and sellers to test or use more alt currencies at once. The increasing costs are for the buyers of the worry from the very beginning Alt currency conversation.

More data, please

Meanwhile, while buyers and sellers are coming to what they are supposed to make from currency wars, they turn to shoppers and retail data to help assign their CTV campaign campaigns.

At the beginning of this week, for example, NBCUNIVERSAL talked to Adexchanger about a new partnership with Instacart providing NBCU advertisers to NBCU advertisers Access to Istacart Shopper data for targeting and assignment. Last year, the offer was in a closed beta version before the company generally made it available this month.

Other streaming publishers also offer data solutions that should help brands clean their access to measurement. Disney, for example, revealed a new product In CES to streamline access to Disney’s measurement and identity partners, including videolamps.

In short, programmers continue to buy a buyer with an assignment with a closed loop, especially as a sweetener during UPFronts.

However, it remains to see how advertising dollars will flow when the negotiations will start in advance.

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