التحويل التلقائي Snap Shares New Data on Sports Engagement in the App - adtechsolutions

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Snap Shares New Data on Sports Engagement in the App

Snapchatters are very engaged with sports and major sports events, which could provide key opportunities for sports and sports marketing activations in the application.

It is according to a A new survey reportconducted by the National Research Group, in partnership with Snap, based on a contribution -based contribution 8,400 social media users, seven markets, and goals are better worn with total sports engagement in social applications.

You can check the Snap -O’s complete data review hereBut in this post we will look at some of the Ley notes.

First, data show that aLEST 9 in 10 Snapchatters deals with Sports Weekly, and 85% of sports matches watch at least a month.

Snapchat Sports Research

Which is a ridiculous amount, undergoing a broader interest in sports content in the application and engagement with sports events.

If you want to use the audience aligned with sports, this is the main opportunity.

Snapchat further reports that every day Snapchatters watches globally 25 million minutes or more sports content on its video feed like a ticter.

The study also underlines the connective capacity of the sport, and 90% of Snapchatter is watching sports with friends or family.

Per Snap::

“Snapchatters sports see as a universally attractive way to spend more time with those they love, and is actually more likely to look with others against others.”

Snapchat Sports Research

Snap further notes that friends and family Main influence when buying products associated with sportsAnother key note for retailers.

And specifically on this element, Snap also included some key data points for sports dealers, including:

  • 89% Snapchatter says’ they ‘more likely to remember the brands I come across while playing sports’.
  • 94% Snapchatter says “When I deal with my passions, I am present and receptive for information”
  • 86% Snapchatter agree that they have more loyalty to the brands that are associated with their passions.
Snapchat Sports Research

These are some valuable insights, which could help you better target your marketing reach to align with Snap’s active community of sports lovers. And while not everyone passionately follows every trade and coaching shift, it is obviously a level of interest in the trends of sports events, which could be a valuable point for merchants.

You can check the Snapchat -a full of sports engagement studio here.

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