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Snapchat Offers Ad-Free Subscription Package

Snapchat appears to have quietly released a new version of his Snapchat+ subscription that allows users to completely exclude from the ad in the app, at a price.

Snapchat+ platinum

As you see in This picturepublished Jonah ManzanoSnapchat now offers a version of Snapchat+ in the “Platinum” app, for more than double the price of the usual Snapchat+ plan (Note: Price examples are in AUD).

So what do you get for that extra cost?

Per Snap::

Platinum monthly plan for Snapchat+ allows you to enjoy Snapchat+ without sponsored recordings and without a story or lens advertisement! “

It seems to be the only main upgrade, and Snap also notes that the users are I can still see ads through sponsored places and within my AI answers.

But in general, there are no more ads.

Snapchat seems to have added Platina plan last month, although I have not seen any direct promotional pressure on Snap without ads.

But again, that could be and Meta still faces legal challenges in Europe through your own package of advertising subscription.

Back in 2023. The target launched advertisement package For European users, to meet new EU rules around providing quilting advertisements. The meta solution was to offer this subscription, which would ensure that the target is still making money from its users, even if they decide to exclude themselves from the ad. However, the EU Advisory Group argues that the Meta subscription plan undermines the Focus of GDPR -its protection against “data capitalism”.

As a result, the target is still trying to revise its package to meet EU demands, while also potentially confronted with cash penalties as a result of the offer.

Maybe that could be the reason why Snap followed the target leadership, but he still does not promote him, as he waits for him to see how the target deals with these additional complications.

But it is available in the application, at least in some regions, it allows you to pay the premium to avoid the advertisements to interrupt your Snap experience.

I am not sure that many people will pay, given that it is more than twice as much as the cost of the usual Snapchat+ subscription (in USD). But at the same time, this billing should be more than covering a loss of loss can take, per user, when removing ads, based on its basis Average revenue per user data.

Snapchat Q3 2024

As you can see, $ 10 a month is actually significantly higher than the average revenue per user who currently generates Snap in most regions. Therefore, it could actually be a money earning for an application if a lot of people decide to exclude themselves from a snap ad. Although this would vice versa affect the reach of the ad and reduce the value of the advertisement offer, so even though it could cover the costs per user, it would eventually cost significantly if a bunch of people were upgraded to the platinum package.

Again, I doubt it will happen, as I don’t think there will be a pile of demand to pay so much for a snap experience without ads. But it’s an interesting experiment and with 12 million Snapchatters are already paying Snapchat+ subscriptionThis could be another way for Snap to further complement its revenue flow.

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