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Stories have a unique ability to capture our attention, change our perspective, and inspire action. We know this intuitively, but there are actually studies that confirm it. The the better the story, the more that story affects us.
This phenomenon, known as narrative transportis something that happens when we are immersed in a good book or movie. It’s like when you watch Notebook and cry at the end, or when you jump when you finally see a monster in a horror movie. You have experienced narrative transportation.
Higher levels of narrative transmission not only entertain – they influence thought and action. Harnessing this power can help marketers connect with customers on a deeper level and drive results. Here’s how.
At its core, narrative transference occurs when someone becomes so engrossed in a story that they are mentally transported into it. Research shows that the more an audience experiences narrative transmission, the more aligned their thoughts, emotions, and even beliefs are with the story.
Let’s get a little nerdy for a second. Researchers Green and Brock (2000) devised a 15-point scale to measure how deeply someone gets drawn into a story.
The scale observes how we think, feel and visualize as we engage with the story. When these factors align, the result is powerful: we get so involved in the story that it can actually change what we believe about the real world. This can result in higher levels of persuasion and action.
Here’s why it works: Stories create connections with characters, reduce arguments against the message, and make abstract ideas real.
Think of a story where the main character feels related, almost like a friend, or we even see ourselves in the hero. When we care about them, we are more likely to root for them and even adopt their behaviors or beliefs.
On top of that, the stories are tricky in the best way. They don’t feel like someone is trying to convince us, which means we’re less likely to argue against the message. Instead, we just take it.
But here’s where it gets even cooler: stories make abstract ideas concrete. Instead of saying something vague like, “This product makes life easier,” the story shows us exactly how. We get vivid examples that stay in our memory.
All of this—connection, subtle persuasion, and concrete imagery—leads to higher levels of narrative transmission. And when that happens, your audience doesn’t just hear your message: they feel it and believe it.
And it’s not just movies or books that do that. William J. Brown of Regent University points out that transportation can take place through any type of media — even on social platforms.
While not everyone who scrolls through Instagram will be completely captivated by a brand’s story, those who do are more likely to engage and take action. Whether it’s behind-the-scenes company posts or an honest testimonial from an influencer, these transportation moments have real potential to change behavior.
The same principle applies in other areas of marketing. Whether it’s your website, your email, or your lead generators — when you craft a story that resonates with your audience, they don’t just passively consume your message. They are too experiencing it. This makes your brand more memorable, reliable and convincing.
Along with narrative transportation, a good marketing story will literally change people’s thoughts and actions. It is measurable and effective.
So how can you use narrative transportation to guide your customers to success? Here are four practical strategies based on the StoryBrand Framework and narrative transportation theory.
The best stories revolve around a hero who faces challenges and overcomes them. In marketing, that hero is not you. That’s your customer. Your role is to be a guide to help them achieve their goals.
Emotional stories are more likely to resonate with your audience because they touch on universal human experiences. Think of moments in your clients’ lives that evoke joy, frustration, hope or victory and build your story around them.
For narrative transmission to succeed, your audience must believe in the story (fidelity) and follow its logical course (coherence). These principles ensure that your message resonates deeply and feels authentic.
How to do it:
Help your audience visualize themselves in the story. A vivid, relative image of success makes your product or service a natural part of their journey.
Narrative transportation is more than just a buzzword. It’s a proven way to connect with your audience on a deeper level. When you use stories to guide your customers, you’re not just selling a product or service—you’re inviting them into a story where they can see how they succeeded.
As you design your marketing, remember this: the best brands aren’t the heroes of the story. They are the Guides. By creating narratives that transport your audience and make them heroes, you’ll build trust, loyalty and a brand that truly makes an impact.