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The Trade Desk Is Acquiring Advertising Metadata Startup Sincera

TTD does a little M&A.

On Wednesday, The Trade Desk announced its plan to buy Candida startup that collects and delivers metadata and media telemetry data to ad tech companies. TTD declined to share the price of the deal.

This is the second ever public acquisition of The Trade Desk. He was the first Adbrain’s identity chart in 2017. A third deal happened between now and then, but the name of the company was never disclosed and remains unknown.

Wait, but what the heck is ad tech metadata and media telemetry data?

That’s the question many people were asking in 2022, when Mike O’Sullivan and Ian Meyers co-founded Sincera.

However, since then the company has established itself as a reliable and independent source of ad technology metadata, which is data in short O data.

Stay objective

You can learn a lot from the code running on a website: what identifiers are included in requests for quotation; how often the ads on the page are refreshed; actual stock quality; and whether consent is properly collected.

One of the reasons Sincera’s customers, which include publishers, advertisers and ad technology vendors, value this data is that it comes from an independent source. O’Sullivan and Meyers like to say that “the ball is not spinning”.

Which begs the question: Will Sincera remain independent after the acquisition?

It’s fair to ask, O’Sullivan said, but there’s nothing to worry about. It is in TTD’s best interest that everyone has practical knowledge that they can use to improve the overall supply chain.


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“It’s still us – W2 is changing, but the mission isn’t,” said O’Sullivan, who will report directly to CEO Jeff Green. “Data and insights are inherently objective and independent.”

However, there are certain valuable signals that Sincera did not previously have access to, including transaction data for offers. That will change when the acquisition closes later this quarter.

For example, Sincera already sees what alternative identifiers issuers are deploying, such as Unified ID 2.0 supported by The Trade Desk, the ID5 identifier, and Yahoo ConnectID. However, Sincera was unable to determine whether and to what extent deploying a particular ID enriches a publisher’s inventory.

“That kind of information isn’t available to any party independently,” O’Sullivan said, “but if you put the data together, there are actions a publisher can take to have a potential outcome in terms of ad spend and revenue.”

“soul mates”

And publishers need all the ad revenue they can get. It’s a bit cold on the open web. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

“Sincera and The Trade Desk share a vision of the importance of an open Internet,” said Tim Sims, TTD’s Chief Commercial Officer. “The insights they bring to both our clients and our supplier partners will continue to illuminate the potential that exists there.”

Speaking of clients, The Trade Desk itself started out as one of Sincery’s clients. TTD used Sincery data to inform top 100 publishers and works with Sincera on made for advertising detection.

In 2023, The Trade Desk participated $4.2 million seed round from Sincera through its TD7 venture group, which is the second investment ever. (The first was Chalice Custom Algorithms in 2021.)

“It’s like we found kindred spirits,” Sims said. “People who care about the open internet and supply chain as much as we do.”

publisher data strategy (AdExchanger comic)More boards please

Sincera will continue to work with its existing customers and they will have a “very long time” to transition from its products, O’Sullivan said.

“We won’t necessarily have the same feature set and endpoints, but we will continue to work with the same types of customers and companies,” he said. “It’s just that how we work together is going to change and evolve.”

For example, The Trade Desk has deep partnerships with its supplier partners, and Sincera will build tools to support them.

Although O’Sullivan and Sims didn’t share anything specific about the TTD roadmap, O’Sullivan said he and Meyers are excited about the new data they’ll have access to.

“What kind of alchemy can we brew when we mix this data?” O’Sullivan said. “It’s what keeps me and Ian up at night drawing on the board.

Well, now it’s up to The Trade Desk to deliver the boards.

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