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Why Aggregate Organic Traffic Is A Better Metric

This is my official eurology for the keyword SEO, which died many years ago, but no one noticed.

As a result, many marketing teams make decisions on SUB-Par, and decision makers lose confidence in SEO as a channel. Just look at the recent reactions “SEO IS -A is dead” on the fall of Hubspot traffic.

Google is conducting javascript for crawling

From January 20, Google demanded JavaScript for search, which makes rank monitoring more expensive.

This is the latest move in a long -standing battle between SEO MOST and Google.

Ranki trackers (Semrush, Ahrefs, Somonitor, etc.) work in a gray zone. Google tolerates them, but officially does not allow it.

Now, with JavaScript as a hard request, the monitoring of the rank needs more RAM, which increases the costs of each data point.

The result is that the costs of the SEO are increased. But the monitoring of the rank lost its value long before Google moved to Javascript crawling.

Focusing on individual keywords for some time has not made sense

Credit Picture: Kevin Indig

In addition to all the elements in the Serps -Ui unproportative information we get, it is difficult to project the impact and measure success purely based on the order of keywords.

  • In 2013, Google stopped sharing keyword recommendations. The only way to understand what users searched to get to your web site was and still is Google Search Console.
  • In 2014, Google began showing prominent clips, direct answers at the top of the search results, which created multiple winners situations. Subsequent SPA features like people who also asked or followed a video of kindergarten and climbed the ranks. Today, over 30 well -known SERP features are competing for attention with classic search results. It is very difficult to predict how many clicks you can get because there is so many combinations of a Serp feature.1
  • Since last year, Google has shown ads for organic results and broke the traditional separation between organic and paid results.
  • And, of course, last year, Google launched AI reviews. AI answers are now available in over 100 countries and provide deep answers. Click through the search results is now superfluous in some cases.
  • Google data divides around these trends range from none to naked. AI or SERP examinations are not included in the searches data. Not even talking about the fact that Google filters 50% of data inquiries for “privacy reasons”: Ahrefs looked at 150,000 websites and found that about 50% of keywords and clicks were hidden.2

On the one hand, one website can be ranked by thousands of keywords as long as these keywords express the same intention and the site gives a good answer to all the merged questions. This is a case for many years.

On the other hand, more and more keywords do not deliver traffic because all clicks go to the SERP feature that holds people in search results, or click is not needed – the searches get a response in search results.

Sparctor revealed that +37% of the search ends without clicking, and +21% results in another search.3

Credit Picture: Kevin Indig

A few months ago, I transcribed my guide for an internal SEO and started ranking in one position. But the joke was on me. I didn’t get a single dirty click for that keyword.

Over 200 people looking for [inhouse seo]but not one person clicks on the search result.

By the way, Google Analytics only shows 10 clicks from organic tests in the last three months.

So, what’s going on? The 10 clicks I actually got is not reported in GSC (privacy … I suppose?), But most of the search engine probably click on one of the people also asked the features that appear just below my search result.

It is a bigger picture that the value of keywords and ranks is abolished.

Our answer may be a duplicate:

  • First, although a comprehensive goal should be ranked on top, we have to target an element that is most likely to attract all the attention in the SERP, such as Video Vrtila or AI answer. In some cases, this means spreading “SEO” to other platforms like YouTube.
  • Second, we have to look at the collective information.

Aggregate traffic> keywords

We are still working with the old SEO model, where we follow the list of keywords to measure success and set goals.

But how much sense does the given pages rank for many keywords? How much sense does a specific search for crossing from the list of results on llm answers?

The keyword has no future in search. What is intention, and llm -are much better in understanding.

So, here’s my proposal: Instead of focusing on keywords, we should focus on organic traffic collected at a page or domain level.

Some traps to be careful about:

  • We still need keywords to model the brands in relation to non-brand traffic per page (still working because you should have enough keywords).
  • Beware of seasonality.
  • Divide organic traffic on new opposite pages.

In order to monitor how well it does a domain or site, we can still look at key words; Organic traffic direction indicates whether it works well or not.

One big problem I have with key words is that the amount of searching has many disadvantages and is so unpredictable for what is actually happening.

The term “Internal SEO” has a reported 90-200 search volume in the largest rank seekers, but does not actually deliver any clicks.

To know which pages need to create without exploring keywords, talk to customers and analyze what topics and questions they worry about.

Analyze platforms such as Reddit and YouTube for engagement and inverted engineer what they act.

And, we can – and we will probably need to use the search data to inform SEO because it is more reflected in topics with the way Google shows (performance max) advertisements in search users, which are similar to user intentions.

To project traffic, look at domains or pages that are already visible for the topics we care about, only at the level of keywords.

Clickstream data that reflecting how users inspect the web are much better because they do not project potential traffic based on the position of keywords.

Where keywords still have (some meaning) for analyzing the historical volume of searching to project whether the topic is growing or decreasing, but I suggest that you only use large quantities of keywords.

The huge advantage of access to total traffic is that it is well transmitted to LLM because they do not give us no inquiries, but we can monitor the traffic of recommendations at the domain level and site.

Chatgpt even adds an URL -Au output clicking parameter that makes it easier to monitor.

LLM Defense: Activated

Credit Picture: Kevin Indig

The real reason why Google spends JavaScript Crawling is not harmed by SEO professionals, but to Genai competitors.

Chatgpt and confusion get a significant country. Chatgpt has already surpassed Bing and Google’s twin traffic. The confusion is on the way there.

However, LLM Crawlers cannot execute Javascript, which means that now I can no longer crawl Google’s search results to take their answers.

(By the way, you need to be sure that your content is available without JavaScript. Otherwise, LLMS cannot crawl it and you cannot appear in their answers.)

The quality of some llm could be reduced because of the Google, which was carried out by Javascript, but only temporarily. LLMMS can still get a SERP data in other ways.

But one potential consequence of Google’s decision is to build LLM to build their own models or web indexs to weigh answers and become independent of search engines.

The effect of the second order of this would be that it is no longer enough to do a good SEO to appear in LLMS. We would have to reverse the results of the engineering LLM as we did with Google.

If SEO is a game, a victory in the SEO now requires adaptation based on the flow of (intention) of the game instead of counting cards (keywords).

The future of the search is not key words, but intentions.

Let this be my official praise.

Credit Picture: Kevin Indig

1 Semrush sensor

2 Nearly half of the GSC clicks go to hidden expressions – studio Ahrefs

3 2024. Study of zero-cliking search

FEADED Picture: Paulo Bobita/Search Science Journal

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