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WordPress Developer Publishes Code To Block Mullenweg's Web Hosting Clients - adtechsolutions

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WordPress Developer Publishes Code To Block Mullenweg’s Web Hosting Clients

A prolific WordPress plugin publisher that has created more than three dozen free plugins has released code that other plugin and theme publishers can use to block customers of Matt Mullenweg’s commercial web hosting platform WordPress.com from using them.

What does the plugin and the theme do

The plugin was created so that other plugin and theme developers could prevent websites hosted on WordPress.com from activating or using it. The code detects if it is being used within the WordPress.com environment and if it detects that it is, the plugin will display a message to users informing them that the feature has been blocked. The developer who created the code explains exactly how it works and guides plugins and theme creators through the code.

It does three main things:

  1. Environment detection
  2. Deactivating the plugin
  3. Admin context only (deactivates it on the admin side)

Reason for creating the code

Robert DeVore, the programmer who created the code, he explained in a tweet that it was a way to get back at Matt, a way to send a statement to Matt Mullenweg disapproving of his actions, especially the “excessive involvement” of leadership.

He wrote:

“Take a stand for the community
This script doesn’t just limit your plugin.

It’s a statement against the centralization and overreach demonstrated by WordPress.com and Automattic’s (lack of) leadership.

WordPress® developers deserve a level playing field – no monopolistic BS that stifles innovation and community growth.”

The code is available on his website here:

How to prevent your plugins and themes from being used on WordPress.com hosting

Featured Image Shutterstock/Anatoly Cherkas

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