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Appendix B: Political categorization | Pew Research Center

For this analysis, we grouped people into two political categories: those who support the ruling political party (or parties) in their country and those who do not. These categories were coded based on the party or parties in power at the time the survey was conducted and based on respondents’ answers to the question of which political party they identify with in their country, if any.

In countries where multiple political parties govern in a coalition (as is the case in many European countries), respondents who express support for any party in the coalition are grouped together. In Germany, for example, where the Social Democratic Party governed with the Alliance 90/Greens and the Free Democratic Party at the time of the spring 2024 survey, supporters of any of the three parties were grouped together. In countries where different political parties control the executive and legislative branches of government, the party holding the executive branch is considered the ruling party.

Survey respondents who did not support any political party or refused to identify with one of them were categorized as not supporting the government in power. There was no question of party identification in the Philippines or Tunisia.

The table below shows the ruling political parties in each country of the study.

Table showing political categorization

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