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LinkedIn Shares Insights Into the Most In-Demand Jobs and Skills - adtechsolutions

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LinkedIn Shares Insights Into the Most In-Demand Jobs and Skills

Looking for a career change in 2025?

This might help. LinkedIn has released its latest “Jobs on the Rise” report.which looks at the roles appearing on multiple lists in its recruitment elements and the skills employers are looking for this year.

And as you might expect, the AI ​​has prominent features:

LinkedIn jobs on the rise in 2025

As you can see, “Artificial Intelligence Engineer” and “Artificial Intelligence Consultant” are two of the fastest growing job listings on the app, indicating the urgency of brand adoption of the latest AI tools.

Which makes sense. Artificial intelligence can transform elements of some businesses and simplify many roles, although you also need to understand its limitations and where you need people to take the lead.

But there are plenty of opportunities there, and AI experts who understand these systems well are in high demand, which could be a good area of ​​focus for job seekers this year.

Although it’s also interesting to note the rise in roles where AI can’t help. Physical therapists, for example, obviously cannot (yet) be copied by machines, while travel advisors offer personal insight on the ground that cannot be replicated in robot text.

In fact, there are various skills that are gaining importance because AI cannot replace them.

LinkedIn jobs on the rise in 2025

To be clear, I would say that AI tools can help with each of these skills, but human input is needed to really implement them successfully. And it looks like that won’t change for some time.

LinkedIn has also included a list of emerging jobs for young professionals:

LinkedIn jobs on the rise in 2025

Although it is also provided a a much longer list emerging job roles to gain better insight into key trends.

It’s a valuable overview for job seekers, while for everyone else it also provides a brief overview of where we are and what employers are currently looking for.

You can view LinkedIn’s full “Jobs on Rise” report for the US herewhile also publishing regional market reports for Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, MexicoThe Netherlands (Dutch and English), Saudi Arabia (English and Arab), SpainSweden (Swedish and English), Switzerland (French and German), Turkey, UAE and UK.

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